Archaeological Excavation and salvage

We are a leading authority in archaeological excavations spanning from Australia to diverse locations worldwide. Our team of archaeological consultants have a wealth of experience in navigating challenging environments, demonstrating unparalleled expertise in archaeological services of all scales and complexities. Our comprehensive suite of services encompasses meticulous planning, precise salvage excavation techniques, and thorough analysis tailored to meet the unique requirements of each archaeological project, ensuring consistently exceptional results.

At Trace Enterprises, we are committed to fostering a culture of excellence, innovation, and precision in every aspect of our work. Our team of seasoned experts combines cutting-edge technology with proven archaeological heritage methodologies to unlock the mysteries of the past and unearth invaluable historical insights. Join us as we delve into history and embark on a journey of discovery, driven by a passion for unravelling the secrets of ancient civilisations and preserving our collective heritage for generations to come.

Our Salvage Excavation Methods

Archaeological excavation is a methodical process of uncovering, recording, and analysing artefacts, features, and structures buried beneath the Earth's surface. It is a key aspect of archaeological research aimed at understanding human history, cultures, and societies through material remains.

The process of archaeological excavation typically involves several stages:

- Surveying and Mapping: Before excavation begins, the site is surveyed and mapped using various techniques such as aerial photography, ground-penetrating radar, or geophysical surveys. This helps Trace Enterprises archaeologists understand the layout of the site and identify areas of interest.

- Excavation Planning: Our archaeologists develop a detailed excavation plan outlining the goals, methods, and techniques to be used during the excavation. Safety protocols, preservation strategies, and data recording procedures are also established.

- Excavation: The actual excavation process involves carefully removing layers of soil and sediment using tools such as shovels, trowels, brushes, and screens. Archaeologists work in layers, known as stratigraphy, to ensure chronological recording of artefacts and features.

- Recording and Documentation: As artefacts and features are uncovered, they are carefully recorded, photographed, and documented in situ (in their original position). Detailed notes, drawings, measurements, and GPS coordinates are recorded to create an accurate record of the excavation.

- Artefact Analysis: Excavated artefacts are cleaned, analysed, and studied to understand their cultural, chronological, and functional significance. This may involve laboratory analysis, conservation treatments, and comparative studies with existing collections.

- Interpretation and Reporting: Once the excavation is complete and artefacts are analysed, archaeologists interpret the findings in the context of the site's history, culture, and broader archaeological research. A comprehensive report detailing the excavation process, findings, interpretations, and conclusions is usually prepared and published.

At Trace Enterprises we undertake meticulous planning, careful execution, and adherence to ethical guidelines to ensure the preservation of cultural and archaeological heritage and the responsible interpretation of archaeological remains.

Excavation and salvage projects: experienced and efficient archaeological services

With years of expertise under our belt, our team of archaeological consultants is equipped with the necessary tools to execute excavation and salvage projects to the highest archaeological standards. We prioritise efficiency and accuracy in our work, utilising the latest technology such as Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) in our excavation planning process. This targeted approach ensures precise excavation programs.

Drawing from our previous work on Indigenous excavations in Australia, we have gained valuable insight into the complexities and challenges of excavating sites that span thousands of years of history. We understand the importance of careful excavation recording to extract relevant archaeological information effectively.

Handling artefact material with the utmost care and respect, we recognise the potentially destructive nature of archaeological excavation and salvage. To mitigate any loss of information, we diligently record detailed archaeological data while meeting timeframes, budgets, and project outcomes.

Upon the completion of every excavation or salvage operation, we provide our clients with a comprehensive report within the agreed-upon timeframe. Additionally, our team is well-equipped to conduct post-excavation artefact analysis or research upon request.

If you have any inquiries regarding our Indigenous excavations or need assistance with a project, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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