The United Diversity Team LEGO legends!

We are proud sponsors of the United Diversity team, whom over the weekend participated in the First Lego League (FLL).

By engaging participants in exciting mentor-based programs that build technical thinking and skills, the FLL inspires young people to be the next leaders in the fields of Science, Engineering and Technology. The FLL platform also encourages team members to explore and develop their personal capabilities of self-confidence, innovation, communication and leadership.


Joshua Davis


January 12, 2021

We are proud sponsors of the United Diversity team, whom over the weekend participated in the First Lego League (FLL).

By engaging participants in exciting mentor-based programs that build technical thinking and skills, the FLL inspires young people to be the next leaders in the fields of Science, Engineering and Technology. The FLL platform also encourages team members to explore and develop their personal capabilities of self-confidence, innovation, communication and leadership.

The team at Trace Archaeology want to give a big shoutout and congratulations to the United Diversity team for 2nd place in the Robot Design Award and 3rd overall for the robot component of the competition. These individuals displayed remarkable teamwork, humour in the face of adversity and determination! You should be extremely proud of yourselves Raiden, Lukas, Felix and Palmer!

Congratulations again on such a spectacular display at the FLL! We look forward to seeing all of the amazing things you will achieve!


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