Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) technology has emerged as a valuable tool in heritage management, offering numerous benefits in archaeological investigations and site assessments. At Trace Enterprises, we leverage GPR technology to enhance our heritage management services, providing unparalleled insights into subsurface features and structures without disturbing the site's integrity. The non-invasive nature of GPR archaeology allows us to conduct thorough surveys while minimising physical intervention, preserving archaeological sites and artefacts for future study and appreciation. We efficiently provide our clients with a ground penetrating radar report after works have been completed to ensure our clients are well informed.

By utilising GPR in heritage management, we achieve more accurate and detailed results compared to traditional methods. GPR enables us to map underground features, detect buried artefacts, and identify potential archaeological sites with precision and efficiency. This technology not only enhances the quality of our assessments but also streamlines the process, reducing time and costs associated with extensive excavation works. At Trace Enterprises, we recognise the immense value of GPR ground penetrating radar in heritage management, empowering us to safeguard cultural heritage resources while advancing archaeological research and understanding.

Grave Identification

In the context of grave identification, the unit can detect the differences and changes in subsurface composition created during the excavation of the grave cut, or the presence of interred remains, or a coffin. Therefore, we can use this assessment to quickly cover large areas of ground and pinpoint the presence or absence of graves in the project area without any physical disturbance to the site. Not only does this approach remove the guesswork from traditional methods, but it also saves our clients time and money. We have also undergone several graveyard mapping exercises that allowed our clients to ensure accurate placement of future grave plots, ensure development and leave our clients with peace of mind, knowing where existing graves are.

The applications of this technology quickly become apparent, whether it be during the planning stage of a project, highlighting any potential gravesites which might be best left undisturbed, or in a scenario where the decision has been made to exhume remains. Trace Enterprises has successfully employed this technology on several recent gravesite identification projects involving both Government and Private entities.

Our unique services and expertise save our clients time, money and resources that you cannot get anywhere else. Contact us today to find out how we can discover traces of Australia’s past together!


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